Creating Inclusive Workspaces in the Office:
Latest Trends in Universal Design,
the Importance of Ergonomic and
Anthropometric Design

According to the principle of universal design, it is necessary to design workspaces in a way that caters to everyone’es needs, without any discrimination and to use office furniture that is accessible to all. Inclusive workspace designs should consider the fundamental principles of information, suitable size and space and low physical effort requirements. In line with these principles, you should design the layout of the workspace and select furniture that accommodates the physical needs of all employees. With the concepts of ergonomic and anthropometric design coming into play, it is possible to create inclusive workspaces by paying attention to some key points.
Use of Ergonomic Furniture
The design of ergonomic and accessible office furniture is based on standard human measurements and anthropometrics data. Anthropometry refers to the study of human body measurements and movements, which define the limits and boundaries of individuals. It can be divided into static and dynamic anthropometry. Static anthropometry considers body measurements in a stationary position, while dynamic anthropometry involves movements. Dynamic anthropometry is used to determine the required space for human body movements.
When selecting and designing accessible office furniture, it is important to consider these anthropometric measurements. The furniture should be produced to accommodate these measurements. By using such ergonomic furniture, you can achieve the maximum level of comfort and convenience required during work.
Creating Social Environments that Promote Movement for Employees
Employees spending long hours in a fixed position throughout the day is not preferable from both a physical health and psychological perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to create social areas within office designs where employees can move around during the day. Personalized areas, designed with accessible office furniture, also help create an environment where employees can socialize. Here are some movement-friendly environments that you can incorporate into office designs.
– Beverage Stations
– Dining Hall
– Lobby
– Outdoor Area/Garden
– Other employees’ rooms
– Balcony
– Quiet Room/Acoustic Cabins
According to a conducted study, 92,7% employees believe that common areas in offices have an impact on interpersonal relationships among coworkers. Among the expectations of employees in such social areas, sunlight and plants are prominent. The most disruptive elements in social environments are perceived to be human interactions, climate control and machine noises. Accessible office furniture and interior designs incorporating vibrant colors, natural materials, soft textures and flexible fittings are preffered choices in the design of social areas for employees. Additionally, ensuring group privacy is also an important criterion for employees.
Prefer Adjustable Workstations for an Inclusive Workspace
You can eliminate barriers in workspaces by organizing them with accessible office furniture within universal design. By referring to the Office and Public Area Design guidelines included in the Universal Design Guide accepted by the World Disabled Foundation, you can carry out office design. The basic steps to create inclusive workspaces supported by accessible office furniture can be listed as follows:
– You can create special cabins in toilets that are suitable for the use of people with disabilities.
– Staircase and ramp usage are among the most challenging issues for employees with disabilities. Vertical circulation elements within the office should be made accessible for both wheelchair users and visually impaired employees.
– It is possible to increase the productivity of disabled employees by using adjustable workstations. Not all individuals wih disabilities can reach the same height and this is where accessible office furniture with various features is needed. It is more suitable in terms of universal design for work units such as desks and chairs to have adjustable features. Additionally, you can create audio assistance points for visually disabled individuals and visual assistance points for individiuals with hearing disability.
– Dividers in the movement areas should also be designed to be accessible for individuals with disabilities. The opening and closing feature of doors should be developed in line with this, allowing individuals with disabilities to pass through doors even if they cannot reach the door handle.
– Cable clutter poses a hazard for individuals using wheelchairs and walking aids. Necessary arrangements should be made to address this issue.
– You can choose products that are suitable for the use and comfort of individuals with disabilities when selecting accessible office furniture.
You can have a stylish and functional office design with accessible office furniture that is based on ergonomic and anthropometric data in your workplace. By utilizing Ersa Furniture’s functional interior solutions and accessible office furniture, you can create inclusive workspaces in your offices.